Our Partners

At the Cyber and Fraud Hub, we take pride in our partnerships that strengthen our mission to fight cyber crime and fraud. The diverse range of partner organisations reflect both a collaborative approach and a mutual interest in supporting victims and combatting these critical issues.

Through collaboration, we aim to create a more secure digital environment, ensuring that individuals are better equipped to protect themselves against evolving threats. This collective effort bolsters our initiatives and provides invaluable insights into the ever-changing landscape of cyber threats and fraud.

  • Age Scotland

    Age Scotland

    Age Scotland is the Scottish charity for older people. They work to improve the lives of people over the age of 50 in Scotland. They provide a free helpline, support older people’s groups, promote age and dementia friendly communities, deliver health and wellbeing programmes, and campaign on behalf of older people.


  • Ask Silver

    Ask Silver

    Ask Silver is a free Scam Checker that anyone can use on ask-silver.com. Simply take a screenshot of anything you want to check, be it an email, a text message or even a letter, and send it using WhatsApp.


  • Crimestoppers

    Crimestoppers are an independent charity that gives people the power to speak up and stop crime, 100% anonymously.

    By phone and online, 24/7, 365 days a year. They also share advice on how to protect the people you care about from crime. They are working towards a country where everyone will feel safe, wherever they are.


  • Police Scotland

    Police Scotland’s purpose is to improve the safety and wellbeing of people, places, and communities in Scotland, focusing on Keeping People Safe in line with their values of integrity, fairness, and respect and with human rights at the heart of everything they do.

    Victims of cybercrime or fraud can report incidents by calling Police Scotland on 101 (Non-emergency line).


  • Samaritans Scotland

    Samaritans Scotland

    With 19 branches stretching from Scottish Borders to the Highlands and Islands, Samaritans Scotland provides a vital lifeline for people and communities across the country. Whatever you are going through, you don’t have to face it alone. Call Samaritans for free on 116 123, email jo@samaritans.org or visit www.samaritans.org for more information


  • Stop! Think Fraud

    Stop! Think Fraud

    The National Campaign Against Fraud is brought to you by UK government in partnership with City of London Police, National Cyber Security Centre and National Crime Agency.


  • Take Five to Stop Fraud

    Take Five to Stop Fraud is a national campaign that offers straight-forward and impartial advice to help everyone protect themselves from financial fraud. This includes email deception and phone-based scams as well as online fraud – particularly where criminals impersonate trusted organisations.

    Led by UK Finance, the campaign is delivered with and through a range of partners in the UK payments industry, financial services firms, law enforcement agencies, telecommunication providers, commercial, public and third sector organisations.


  • Trading Standards Scotland

    Trading Standards Scotland

    Trading Standards Scotland is a team delivered by COSLA and funded by UK government to add capacity to local authority trading standards services in Scotland. Their vision is to create an environment where consumers can safely make choices and their mission is to change the behaviours of businesses and individuals who damage consumer and business interests. 

    Their outcomes are to empower consumers, tackle detriment and prevent harm, and support the economy. 


  • Victim Support Scotland

    Victim Support Scotland

    Victim Support Scotland is the foremost charity dedicated to supporting people affected by crime throughout Scotland. VSS offers free, independent and confidential support for victims, witnesses and their families.


  • YoungScot


    Young Scot is the youth engagement platform for 11 to 26-year-olds in Scotland. For over 40 years, Young Scot has provided young people with information, ideas and opportunities to help them make informed decisions and choices. Young Scot proudly holds the European Youth Information Quality Label, recognising the processes we follow when creating and sharing information for young people across the digital platforms they spend their time in, including young.scot, TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat, and YouTube.


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